Credits, Closing, etc. Thanks to the following people for contributing to this issue: Alexman1- Cover art Studman14, FrogBen- Articles Special Thanks To: Steve Israelson, author of Pfhorte. The DMMC Web Page: How to join the club: If you want to join the club, then e-mail me, PforSlayer. I will sign you up right away. Our secretary, Bahamut AI, will get you started. Club Charter: To be a part of the DMMC, all you must do is join! Once you join, though, you are encouraged to participate. If you have trouble with maps, than please ask for help! One of the main principles of the DMMC is helping people to make maps! You do not need to make any maps, but it is strongly encouraged. No one will be kicked out of the club unless it is truly warranted. Examples of things that will cause you to get booted are if you are extremely disruptive, ie: sending frenquent hateful letters to DMMC members. Also, if you simply sit around, never make a map, and do not even ask for help, you may be removed if the other members think it is neccassary. Members Abaddon 62, AirPfhorce, Alexman1, Astro Nine, BAGoRAMA, Bahamut AI, Bart123531, Chriiss,,, Multiades1, Dave T888, Durandal12, EZTEX, FrogBen,, Giule, Grag08825, HackdSabre, JDO8888888, JDrey21, JVPoland1,, MajorDeity, MasonG7,, PforSlayer, RandolpWha, RenikM, Ryoga Pig,, Ct Spiffy, Studman 14, TLE157, TZOTH,, Wizard616 President- Pforslayer Vice President- Grag08825 Secretary- Bahamut A1 Quality Control Group MajorDeity, Durandal12, Multiades1, Ambrose111, BAGoRAMA, Studman14, Dave T88 Scenario Leader Scenario Group Ambrose111, Multiades1, Giule, Grag08825, HackdSabre, MasonG7,, PforSlayer, TZOTH, Magazine Group Alexman1, Bart123531, FrogBen, Giule, Multiades1, PforSlayer, Ryoga Pig Experts Studman 14, Multiades1 Next Issue: We will bring you as much info on Marathon Infinity as we can find! There will also be a special clinic on what should go into a map to make it great. All that and the regular ratings, maps, tactitcs and club news! Closing Now that I am out on Summer break, I will be bored out of my mind, so expect to see the mag quite often. Lucky you. So until then, see ya starside!